Bowling Thumb Tape

..If yea feel like trying something go on ebay and search for bowlers protection tape...If a bowler has blister issues after a 3 game set.I can understand wanting to use a protection tape when using the Magic Carpet.then yes, I agree.... I was given a bunch of cut-up, redish& bowling thumb tape ...... But this tape works great for me, I cant even bowl without it. Posts: 405. Gentlemen - I have a question on identifying protective thumb tape..My 2 cents. A/S/L: 45/male/vancouver, wa, usa . But this tape works great for me, I cant even bowl without it. Posts: 405. Gentlemen - I have a question on identifying protective thumb tape..My 2 cents. A/S/L: 45/male/vancouver, wa, usa.Hey guys first post here so I have 4 pieces of tape in my ball right now since I got it redrilled problem is it tears apart my thumb so I use some blue vise tape on the base of my thumb. I got my thumbholes opened up today in order to give it a try. I thought I was the only one left who uses grip strip. This evening I gave it a try bowling some Scotch Doubles pot games while waiting& .I am yet to meet a bowler that wouldn`t benefit by using bowling tape My 2 cents. A/S/L: 45/male/vancouver, wa, usa.Hey guys first post here so I have 4 pieces of tape in my ball right now since I got it redrilled problem is it tears apart my thumb so I use some blue vise tape on the base of my thumb. I got my thumbholes opened up today in order to give it a try. I thought I was the only one left who uses grip strip. This evening I gave it a try bowling some Scotch Doubles pot games while waiting& .I am yet to meet a bowler that wouldn`t benefit by using bowling tape.. The owner of the bowling alley came by& ... This evening I gave it a try bowling some Scotch Doubles pot games while waiting& .I am yet to meet a bowler that wouldn`t benefit by using bowling tape.. The owner of the bowling alley came by& ....If yea feel like trying something go on ebay and search for bowlers protection tape...If a bowler has blister issues after a 3 game set.I can understand wanting to use a protection tape when using the Magic Carpet ..If yea feel like trying something go on ebay and search for bowlers protection tape...If a bowler has blister issues after a 3 game set.I can understand wanting to use a protection tape when using the Magic Carpet.then yes, I agree.... I was given a bunch of cut-up, redish& organic homemade soap
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